sowas kommt von sowas
what goes around comes around
was kostet das
how much do you charge
das kommt davon
what goes around comes around
wie kommt es dass
how come
sonst noch etwas
anything else
was möchten Sie?
what would you like
woher kommen Sie ?
where are you from
Straße von Dover
Strait of Dover
Straße von Hormus
Strait of Hormuz
was ist das
what is that
Was ist das
what is that
what's that
was ist los?
what's the matter
was kostet es?
how much does it cost
was machen Sie?
what are you doing
was tun Sie?
what are you doing
woher kommst du ?
where are you from
goulash communism
people's commissar
Bischof von Rom
Bishop of Rome